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口腔 Mouth ; 咽喉 Throat; 支氣管 Bronchus

成份: Ingredients: 野菊花,天然冰片,蒲公英,細辛,兩面針,威靈仙,滇三七,胡蘆巴,麥門冬。Flos Chrysanthemi indic, Herba taraxaci, Herba asari, Radix zanthoxyli, Radix clematidis, Radix notoginsent, Semen trigonellae, Radix ophiopogonis. 作用: Actions: 適應於清熱解毒,涼血消腫,消炎止痛,改善各種原因所致的牙痛和牙週炎,維持牙齒的健康. A specially formulated combination that add..
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成份: Ingredients: 牛黃,雄黃,石膏,大黃, 黃芩,桔梗,甘草。Artificial ox-gallstone, Realgar, Gypsum, Medicinal Rhubarb root and rhizome, Baikal skullcap root, Balloonflower root, Ural licorice root. 作用: Actions: 本產品適應於保持內耳,口腔,牙齒,喉腔等部位的健康及有利腸胃系統及呼吸系統的保養.Supports the health of the innerear, mouth, teeth, throat, and sali..
Ex Tax:$8.75
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成份: Ingredients: 黃岑 ,穿心蓮,板南根,野菊花 ,人工牛黃.Baikal skullcap root, Common andrographis herb, Dyers woad root, Indian chrysanthemum flower, Artificial ox-gallstone. 作用: Actions:  適應於清熱解毒,消炎止痛,維持耳,鼻,喉,扁桃腺及呼吸系統的健康.Supports the health of the nose, anris, throat, tonsil and respiratory system. 注意事項: Warnings: ..
Ex Tax:$8.75
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成份: Ingredien: 杏仁,乾薑,細辛,五味子,冬花,百部,半夏,黃苓,甘草. Apricot seed, Common ginger dried rhizome, Siebold wildginger herb, Chinese magnoliacine fruit, Common colfsfoot immature flower, Sessile stemona root, Ternate pinellia rhizome, Baikal skullcap root, ural licorice root. 作用: Actions: 適應於宣肺止咳,理氣化痰,加強下呼吸道及免疫系..
Ex Tax:$8.75
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成份: Ingredients: 大黃、蔓荊子、菊花、黃蓮、當歸、桔梗、防風、川芎、甘草。 Rhubarb root、Chastetree fruit、Chrysanthemum flower、Coptis chinensis root、Angelica dong gui root、Platycodon grandiflori root、Ledebouriella sesloides root、Lovage、Licorice root. 作用: Actions: 清燥火,散風,解積熱,用於風火牙肉腫痛,咽喉燥腫,口噪舌乾,大便燥結。 注意事項: Warnings: 孕婦禁用,ot to be..
Ex Tax:$8.75
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