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血液 Blood; 過敏/鼻炎及哮喘 Allergy.Sinus & Asthma

成份: Ingredients: 羅布麻,澤瀉,山楂,夏枯草,珍珠母,菊花,釣藤,牛膝。Dogbane, Alisma Tuber, Hawthorn Fruit, Prunella Spike, Monther of Pearl, Chrysanthemum Flower, Uncaria Stem With Hooks, Achyranthes Root. 作用: Actions: 適用於干肝降壓,強心利尿,用於高血壓,降血脂,鎮靜安神,勳脈硬化。 Supports body's well being and helps maintain healthy blood pressur..
Ex Tax:$8.75
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成份: Ingredients: 蒼耳子,辛夷花,野菊花,白芷,防風,荊芥,知母,桔梗.Xanthii fruit, Magnolia Flower, W Chrysanthemum Flower, Angelica Root, Schizonepeta Flower, Anemarrhena Root, Platycodon Root. 作用: Actions: 益氣,祛風,通竅。用於體虛自汗,反覆感冒鼻 ,流涕及鼻炎、鼻竇炎見上述症狀者。 警告: Warnings: 如封印紙有損壞請不要使用.保持密封,存放於陰涼乾燥的地方存放於兒童不能接觸的地方. Do not use if cap se..
Ex Tax:$8.75
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成份: Ingredients: 人參,琥珀,乳香,金蝎,沒藥,細辛,天竺黃。Ginseng root,Amber,Olibanum,Scorpion,Myrrh,Manchurian wildginger herb,Tabasheer。 作用: Actions: 袪風化痰,活血通絡,適用於中風,步行困難,口眼歪斜,手足痙攣,左瘫右瘓,筋骨疼痛,半身不遂,言語不清。 Supports yhe health of the neurologic, muscular and skeletal system. 注意事項: Warnings: 孕婦禁用,ot to be used during pre..
Ex Tax:$20.95
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山楂降脂片 Hawthorn Fat Reducing Tablets [YFH-10] 成份: Ingredients: 山楂。Hawthorn Fruit. 作用: Actions: 降血脂。用于治疗高脂血症、冠心病、高血压等病症。 注意事項: Warnings: 孕婦禁用,not to be used during pregnancy. Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days. 根據美國醫藥衛生條例,以上中醫藥理並未經美國食品及醫藥局正式評估,因此,本品不宜作診斷,治療,治癒或預防任何疾病之用. This statement h..
Ex Tax:$8.75
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成份: Ingredients: 柴胡,山桅子,丹皮,生地,野菊花,石決明,牛滕,黃岑.Chinese thorowax root,Cape jasmine fruit,Subshrubby peony root-bark,Adhesive rehmannia root,Indian chrysanthemum flower,Abalone shell,Two tooth achyranthes root,Baikal skullcap root. 作用: Actions: 平肝熄風,活血逍絡,引火下行,有助於改善高血壓病及高血壓症狀所致的頭痛,頭昏,眼花目弦,維持心臟及循環系統的健康.Sup..
Ex Tax:$8.75
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